
Sunday, 21 December 2014

My Current Fitness Situation

The Basics

Weight 136.2lbs or 61.8kg
BMI 25.4 = Overweight
Anything above 25.0 is Over weight

Tape Measurements in inches

Chest - Above Boobs and under arm pits - 34.5"
Chest - Across Nipples 37"
Chest - Just below Boobs  31"
Stomach - Across BellyButton 37"
Stomach - Across my scarring on the stomach - what I feel the "fattest" part of my stomach is 37.5"
Upper Thigh 21"
Just Above Knee 14.5"
                                                                                                                                                                    BMI Categories

Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

So these are my measurements they aren't great but not terrible either...
I didn't focus on fitness at all this year, because last Christmas 12. Dec.13 to 5.Jan.14 I was so healthy I went to the gym every morning and lost a lot of weight I am now 136 lbs but back then I lost weight and got down to 124 lbs.
But then my gym membership ran out and I couldn't afford to pay it and I went back to school where it's easy to be unhealthy and I put all the weight back on. Especially this summer when mentally I was very depressed and in the USA I ate and ate and ate! So now I am going to do a lot of research and lose weight and get back on track :)

The main thing I want to work on are my rolls - It's what I feel most insecure about specially when I sit down :/